Yo, Zombiebob Whats up dude? So whats it like to be a zombie. Ill bet its mad fun eating brains and shit. So anyways dude, im gunna ask out this girl, and i was wondering if she likes me. Life sucks dude, so you are pretty lucky your a zombie. Josh If you ever adress me as " YO zombiebob" again, I will find you and bash your skull with a rock. Your questions are stupid, ignorant, and can by answered by reading ANY zombie related literature ( which you have obviously chosen not to do). As for the girl, i hope she kicks you in the genitals. -zombiebob Dear Zombiebob, I myself am a zombie and was wondering what you do with the wierd stuff that grows from the back of your neck unsinged ( although i read his member profile and found out it was alex, who lives across the street and is not a zombie) You are not a zombie ( although maybe you are a leper, but i am guessing you are merely a jackass). Expect a surprise in your mailbox. Well maybe it wont be suprising, but it will definetly be dead. -zombiebob Dear zombiebob, i have been together with my boyfriend for 3 months now. He wants to have sex and im not ready yet. I don't want to hurt his feelings! What should i do? Tiffany - Rips out his spine and smack him over the head with it. Hey zombiebob! There's this guy i really like, and i really don't know what to say to him. he is like, the hottest guy i have ever met, and i totally think im in love, but i don't even think he knows i exist! what should i do? Nikki - YOUR PETTY PROBLEMS DO NOT CONCERN ME, MORTAL! Dear Zombiebob, I am blind, please help. Rico the blind man ( although i recognized his screen name as being dan mirk, maybe trying to help a blind man) - Well.... I would suggest that someone stomps on your head so as to put you out of your misery. For all your head smashing needs, contact zombietucker at Kulashaker7@aol.com |